Loan "Write off" & Loan "Waive off" Meaning PDF Download In English & Hindi. My dear viewers and borrowers you must know about loan write off and loan waive off meaning and differences. For your convenience we have provided pdf download link following . After downloading this pdf you can know more about loan write off & loan waive off meaning & differences in english and hindi. Followings are some various "status" of loan account or credit card account that are used to report in CIBIL(credit bureau):- WRITTEN-OFF AMOUNT (PRINCIPAL):- This field reflects the principal amount written off by the lender. It follows that the difference between the total and principal written-off amounts is the interest amount that has been written off on this account. WRITTEN-OFF AMOUNT (TOTAL):- When a loan is written off there is an interest and principal component. This field reflects the total interest and principal amount written-off. WRI
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